“Like, rewind that-“

Every time and again, I do get angry.

I suppose I tend to “Show” angry out here… Hmm.

This one hit me. [Especially hard tonight]

My day is [was] rolling well-fast, busy, all about it – you can’t hang?  Well, I can hang w/ what I must to get you there… Got it?  We’re all on the same grid, we’ll get to the point!  I’m one of those that so digs on being a Team Player – I always opt for an effort, I appreciate the coop, I love a shared level and the appreciation and respect that comes with it [albeit rare]  “Work w/ me, I work w/ you, yeah?”  Its’ an appreciative effort by all to – well, expand and improve!

*[Piss off on the job, and I will tell you to do that just that.  My appreciation only applies to the applicable.]

But when I  come home after that [the] drama, stories, real life clashing and bashing and beat downs and horrible nonsense-power-trips – and…

“Remember this put upon that was eating their own @@#$___?” I was jarred back into an… Rarely discussed bit of Reality.

Even the most depraved and insane will not reduce to that level without [primitive] reason.  That is  the natural instinct to survive.  Bare bones.  You will eat your own skin to survive at that point.  (Okay, that’s extreme, but you will eat your own … Something…)

And you are considered a “Care-taker” that you reduce that creature of your care to that level? [I am giving my tax money to you to do that to someone?!]

And by “Creature” I am coldly labelling a Human Being?

There is a special place in Hell.

And believe…. It’s very special.  It’s Core.

Horrible burning and gnashing and gnawing, I almost wish I were there to chew on your horrible rotten just to make sure you were suffering for what you did— [Psycho moment there, but-!  Insurance!]

I’m so often revolted, reviled, disturbed, disgusted-wow how many words in our metaphoric langauge  can I use to describe this sensation [of the reviled]?

I don’t know.  We have so many [synonyms].

But when I run up on this the way I tend to…

Special place in Hell.

That’s all I can think of.

No, you won’t find justice here.  Too many Human loop-holes.

But you will burn for depriving an equal of a mature age {of any relative age, really!] down to 65 lbs and eating her own {!! Warning Expletive Point Used!!}  shit.

And you well deserved it.

I am so often times horrified at what people do to eachother.  But I at the same time must bear in mind, “Why are you so fucking insane that you feel you must do this?”

But I won’t credit you with someone else’s insanity.

I can’t.

I just can’t.

Despite all I read and “know” and research and “Digest”….

I can’t.

Sickness.  Of a kind a pill (even a cheap ass Canadian one) will not cure you of.

It’s infuriating that one soul can do that to another.

Maybe it’s the fact that we no longer recognize that small factor in it that makes it easy. 

Certainly seems to be the case.

Okay, I admit, that’s a bout the only excuse I can allow:  You are so f*d you don’t know any better.

But how much is that really allowing?


We’re all broken down, beat down, jacked and whacked and nuts in our own–regard—

We all have our scars and our burns and chewed out, gnawed upon pieces of our souls and lives-

But does that give you an excuse?

There are times I’m flat out f*ing emberassed to possess this soul capable of learning beyond molding an intricate network of tunnels. 

We build cities that we burn to the foundations, at the costs of lives, yet for our goals-

We pardon the misery of the upcoming future because-well, we are offering money in exchange for it….

What the hell are we really condoning here, and should we honestly be applauded for these “Efforts”?

I expect so much more out of the Human race.

I really hope to see so much more than just one more animal on the horizon.

I don’t often see it..

So if you aren’t tearing at someoens’ abdomen while they stand before your Spartan judges, maybe take pause…]

Or fuck it, why bother?

Never matters, right?

The “Trickle Down Effect” doesn’t apply only to your stock market.  It applies to the treatment of the creatures that are breathing the same way you are.

Probably one of my most favourite quotes ever:  “I won’t waste myself on you.”




Maybe because the Irony to me is that I[‘m one to] care.  Beyond what seems to be accepted these days…

I am Antiquated for giving a shit.

One thought on ““Like, rewind that-“

  1. azulparsnip

    yeah, I feel like this sometimes, then I think of those famous last words….Father forgive them for they know not what they do…..I mean He said that when they were nailing his hands and feet down!!!! How could they know not…..but He was/is the Man and if they don’t know….they reeeaalllly must not know …and they will nail my ass if they can.

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